Who are we ?

About Us

Turkish Standards Institute, which has moved to higher quality and safer manufacturing norms with the European Harmonization Laws, has incorporated the same standards that require the same meticulousness and seriousness in waste gas and chimney systems.

We took our place in the flue waste gas and energy sector by establishing our company in order to make this change for the benefit of the Turkish industry and consumers, sensitive to the environment, prioritizing human health and safety, protecting the national and economic values ​​​​of the country in an economical way and increasing them to optimum levels.

Our vision, mission and principles that we have determined in Chimney and Waste Gas Systems in order to use energy economically and efficiently:

our vision


Our aim is to leave our mark on the Energy and Chimney Systems sector with our distinctive line and to be the best in Turkey in all the services we provide. It is to give the energy we receive from the depths of nature back to nature with minimum load by making it available to human beings; Our aim is to keep blue blue, green green, and the world a livable place.

Our Mission


We build Waste Gas and Chimney Systems, which are an indispensable part of the heating system, on scientific and technical knowledge throughout Turkey, providing maximum energy savings, causing minimal damage to people, nature and property, and prioritizing human health, safety and aesthetics, is to design and implement optimum systems.

It is to simultaneously turn the technological and scientific developments in the heating sector into its own contemporary lifestyle, by synthesizing it within the integrity of EMOTION-THOUGHT-BEHAVIOR, by saving the Turkish Industry from importing and directing it to manufacturing, and to remove the Turkish people from the position of being an EXAMPLE, and to raise them to a sublime peak of being an EXAMPLE.

Our principles


To determine our vision according to the general chimney rules specified in TS EN 1856-1 and TS EN 1443,

To determine the most economical and optimum chimney cross-section and features with computer aid, providing maximum efficiency and minimum loss according to TS EN 13.384-1 (-2-3),

To design and implement chimney and flue gas systems in the safest way in accordance with DIN V 18.160-1 Design and Application norms,

To design and assemble chimney and waste gas systems in accordance with TS EN 15.287-1 standards and to operate them in a safe manner that does not threaten people, structures and nature,

Using stainless steel metal chimney systems suitable for waste gases, resistant to acetic corrosion, which seem to have a high initial investment cost, but are very long-lasting,

To design, develop and implement efficient chimney systems according to Turkey's different geographical conditions,

To derive and develop specific solution projects for each project,
Designing 2 and/or 3 dimensional computer aided projects in direct proportion to the complexity of the project.